about this site...

This site is primarily a repository of plain text files (7bit US ASCII) that I have either written, collected or converted. They are mostly set at a fixed column width and may not play nicely with your modern browser or smartphone. All files with a .txt suffix are ASCII. While the site is designed mainly for my own use, I am happy to share it. Please feel free to peruse and/or download anything you find of interest.

The site is automagically generated in html/css by tree-1.8.0 and is hosted by the SDF Public Access UNIX System.

Please note that things around here tend to get added, removed, renamed and/or relocated not infrequently so directly linking to an individual file is probably not a good idea. Best to download a copy for yourself or request a permanent(ish) link.

And any file with my email address at the bottom is something I have scribbled. Therefore, if you have questions or comments, you can contact me at:
