The Markdown Cheat Sheet Basic Elements: H1 to H6: # Heading Text ## Heading Text ### Heading Text #### Heading Text ##### Heading Text ###### Heading Text Italics: *This text is italicized* Bold: **This text is bold** Blockquote: > Blockquote paragraphs must have > a right-arrow bracket at the start > of every single line. > > Use a blank line for multiple paragraphs. Unordered List: - Bullet list item - Bullet list item - Bullet list item - Use a two-space indent for nested lists Ordered List: 1. Bullet list item 2. Bullet list item 3. Bullet list item 1. Ordered lists can also be nested Mixed List: 1. Can you mix list types? - Yes, you can! Horizontal Line: --- *** ___ Note: Either three hyphens, asterisks, or underscores. Hyperlink: This is an [example link](// Image ![Alt Text]( Ignore Markdown: Prefix Markdown characters with \*backslashes\* to ignore formatting.