DEATH PIT The idea is to dig a pit in front of an open door and lure monsters into it. They will have to fall into it because it is impossible to walk diagonally through an opening with a doorframe. It's also impossible to fire anything diagonally as well and this provides one or more "safe spots" where only the monster in the pit can attack you. Not only does the fall cause damage but there is a to-hit penalty while in a pit and a to-hit bonus for attacking a monster in one. This an efficient killing technique that provides a single huge death-drop for later polymorphing. There are two instances where I use this method: THE CASTLE }}}| ...| .@.| ..^+ .@.| ...| }}}| Use a scroll of earth and/or existing boulders to fill 5 moat tiles if water monsters are a problem but three will suffice otherwise. Destroy the drawbridge with a spell/wand from a safe distance, teleport the debris away and use spell/wand to replace the door with a locked one. Then dig your pit and open the door. The two safe fighting positions are marked on the diagram. LUDIOS -+---- |^...| |.@^.| ------ First find the hidden door, lock it and then dig your pit. The single "safe postion" is marked. The portal also can provide a quick escape or healing break if necessary. Once the anteroom is emptied, open the external door into the courtyard, return to your position and kill all the rest of the soldiers. This makes a huge single death-drop, supplies all the K-rations you'll ever need and polymorphing is almost certain to produce that elusive Hawaiian shirt.